Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fortune Cookie Says...

So I got this fortune in my fortune cookie the other day:

How perfect for nursing school is that?! These things are scarily accurate sometimes haha

Anyway, I have now been to all of my classes and have a better feel of this semester; the classes that I'm taking are NURS 311 (Intro to Health Assessment), NURS 312 (Foundations of Nursing Practice), NURS 313 (Nursing Care of the Older Adult), NURS 314 (Clinical Reasoning), and NURS 324 (Chemical Therapeutics).
NURS 311 is where we learn how to assess patients' different body systems in regards to diagnosing them. I don't know yet what kind of workload this class is going to have outside of class, since so far it has only been watching lectures online before coming to class; I don't think the in-class work will be too bad, or at least will be more enjoyable, since most of the class is spent practicing the assessments on each other.
NURS 312 is divided between our time in the CSL/rotations and time in lecture going over other skills; I'm pretty sure it's going to be the hardest, most time-consuming class this semester (which is appropriate because it's worth the most credit hours). I really like both my clinical instructor and the lecture professor, so I think it will be one of those situations where you learn not only the course material but life lessons and such.
NURS 313, we've been told, will be an easy A if you just do the assignments, and most of my geriatrics knowledge will be learned in my rotation at the nursing home; that being said, I do think the lecture will be interesting too, especially since the professor is pretty entertaining.
NURS 314 is literally teaching us how to think critically; I'm excited to learn how to "think like a nurse," though I think the class might be harder than one would think until that specific kind of thinking is learned. The class is hard to pay attention in (a 2 1/2-hour lecture Friday after lunch?), but I really like the professor.
Finally, NURS 324 is admittedly more interesting than expected, and even though I think it will require a lot of studying, it sounds manageable. And, once again, I have a professor whom I really like. Even though pharmacology is similar to some of the science classes that I wasn't a huge fan of, it's more interesting and more relevant. Plus it doesn't hurt having a roommate in pharmacy school ;)
Overall, like I've said before, I think the semester will be a lot of work, probably more than other semesters, but it's so much easier to work hard in classes that are directly relevant to the career you're passionate about. I've never liked as many of my professors as I do this semester; I've had some each semester who were more easily respectable, but I also had a few who were disappointing, to say the least. I think it says something about the College of Nursing that they make sure their professors, especially those in Upper Division, are not only knowledgeable about their subject, but are also good teachers (apparently an unheard of concept for the biology department) who develop good relationships with and set good examples for their students.

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